Labels:text | screenshot | font | number | parallel | line | document OCR: LongMult Class Package null mports .* ava.util. Vector Subclass of Object Description The LongMult class takes a list of long integers on the command line, multiples them together, and prints the result. This is the only public class in this program BigNum Class Package null Imports none Subclass of Object Description The BigNum class represents a long integer. It stores the digits of the integer in a linked list and provides add and mul methods. NumNode Class Package null mports none Subclass of Object Description The NumNode class represents a single linked list cell. It contains a numeric value and a reference to the next node in the list. BigNumFormatException Class Package null Emports none Subclass of Object Description The BigNumFormatException class represents all errors that occur during the construction of a BigNum object. Figure &t The lang multiplier program class summary,